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Jurgen Vercaemst

Jurgen taught the following 2-Day Workshop at Legacies III:
Colorful Lettering Composition

Jurgen Vercaemst is a Flemish calligrapher born in 1967 in a little town in Belgium, Kuurne.

Handwriting has always been a very important matter in his family in the sense that his father always encouraged elegant handwriting.

Jurgen was fascinated by handwritten manuscripts and began collecting handwritten pieces when he was a teenager.

At the age of 25, he attended his first workshop with Frank Missant (student of Claude Mediavilla), who ignited his interest in calligraphy.
That first workshop with Frank Missant, along with a documentary he saw on the local television on Brody Neuenschwander’s art, was the start of a life full of calligraphy.

Yves Leterme has been his life long teacher and he attends every possible workshop with Yves. Jurgen crossed paths with Peter Thornton who raised his interest in pure letterforms, the drawing of letters, and composition/layout.

Further teachers were Joke, Liesbeth, Pieter & Kristoffel Boudens, Brody Neuenschwander, John Stevens, Elmo Van Slingerland, Carl Rohrs, Torsten Kolle, Ewan Clayton, Christopher Haanes, who expanded his knowledge and technique. He taught workshops together with Yves Leterme, Peter Thornton (ASOH calligraphy conference 2016), and Elmo Van Slingerland (Cheerio 2019).

Presently, he organizes workshops at his place in Ruddervoorde near Bruges, along with other calligraphers, and is teaching both at home and abroad.

The pencil has been his favorite tool, and at all times he carries his Moleskine notebooks with him.